About us

Islamophobia Register Australia offers a secure and reliable service that allows people from across Australia to report any form of anti-Muslim abuse.

The Islamophobia Register Australia was founded on
17 September 2014 by Mariam Veiszadeh in response to the growing anecdotal evidence suggesting a rise in incidents of Islamophobia.

The Islamophobia Register Australia’s first logo designed by Mariam Veiszadeh at the time of its launch & establishment in 2014.

The Register is a non-for profit organisation and is the first of its kind in Australia to provide a unique platform for incidents of Islamophobia to be reported, recorded and analysed into a published report.

Operating for over 9 years, the Register has been collecting hate incident data by working in partnership with Charles Sturt University. During these years, the Register has published 4 national reports, written and led by Academic Researcher, Dr Derya Iner with a highly developed methodology for analysing patterns and trends in both online and offline hate. These reports have informed the media and the general public both in Australia and abroad about Islamophobia.

What we do

The Register has been established to also give public benevolent relief to victims of hate incidents, crime, vilification or discrimination to regain a sense of control, agency, certainty, and to feel that their place and dignity matters to the rest of the community and Australia’s institutions

The Register directly or through established partnerships:


  1. Deliver victim support services
  2. Work to improve the justice experience of victims who are navigating police and the legal system.
  3. Work to improve the healing experience of victims who are navigating mental health services and other support services.
  4. Nurtures networks for knowledge-sharing, skill-building and education as well as empowering Muslims, allies concerned about racism, and the broader community.
  5. Provide a platform for Muslim women, who are overrepresented in report statistics, to be heard and hear one another.
  6. Foster meaningful national dialogue to prevent future harmful behaviours like hate incidents, hate crime, unlawful vilification or discrimination based on protected characteristics like race and religion.
  7. Collect data on hate incidents, crime, discrimination, whether online or in the physical world.
  8. Publish national research reports in partnership with Charles Sturt University.

    Unless reported, count it as if not lived! Islamophobia continuously destructs everyday Muslim Australians’ lives. Reporting your experience is essential to raise awareness about Islamophobia in Australia. The more Islamophobia is reported, the better we can identify and deal with it.”

    Dr Derya Iner

    Researcher & Author of Islamophobia in Australia Reports I-IIII.

    What is hate crime and Islamophobia?

    Hate crime, also called bias crime, is used to describe criminal and sub-criminal incidents motivated by bias or hatred towards a group of people. Victims are targeted because of their religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, gender or other characteristic (Asquith 2015; Mason 2019).

    Islamophobia is a form of racism that includes various forms of violence, violations, discrimination and subordination that occur across multiple sites in response to the problematisation of Muslim identity (Sayyid 2014)

    Why report?

    You can report incidents of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim sentiments if:

    • You are the victim who had the Islamophobic behaviour directed at you (whether it is because of your Islamic faith or perceived Islamic faith) OR;
    • You have personal knowledge (directly witnessed an incident or heard about an incident) of Islamophobic behaviour that fits within the categories listed above.

    What to report?

    We will seek to categorise Islamophobia incidents in the following groups:

      Assaults or attacks on persons of Muslim background

      Attacks on Muslim property or institutions

      Verbal abuse and hate speech/social media abuse

      Any form of discrimination in a public or private environment

      How to report?

       You can report using our online reporting tool here.

      Seek further support and reporting options here.

        Donate to help us counter Islamophobia