Help us counter Islamophobia

For the past 5 years, the Register has been under-resourced and surviving with the support of volunteers, but it needs your help to keep going and meet demand through basic administrative support.

The Register needs your support now

Your help will enable the Register to connect victims to psychological & legal support that can help achieve positive outcomes at schools, workplaces, shopping centres, public transport and social media.

The Register would also like to work with police to advocate for better responses. With the lack of laws in this area and underreporting to police, the Islamophobia Register represents a rare source of strength and protection for vulnerable Australians caught in this situation.

In addition to a victim support service, the Register, in partnership with Charles Sturt University, collates the data received into a published national report to influence public decision-making and debate.

Donate to help us counter Islamophobia

To donate directly to the Register:

Account name : Islamophobia Register Australia Incorporated
BSB: 032 275
Account number: 402 072

Donate to CISAC Islamophobia Research Project via the
Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation (CISAC) at Charles Sturt University.